Sample of Help screen

The followings are displayed with the Help button.

## 1. Mean, SD and SEM, etc ##
This app calculates Mean, SD and SEM, etc.
1. Maximal data number : 100
Followings are simple explanations of [Result Window].
## 1. Mean, SD and SEM, etc ## (Date, Time)
Data = xxx, xxx, xxx


[Mean, SD and SEM]
   Arithmetic Mean = xxxxx
   SD(n) = xx (Standard Deviation, √(SS / n) )
   SD(n-1)=xx (Standard Deviation, √(SS / (n-1) )
   SEM = xxx (Standard Error of the Mean)
   n = xx (Number of data)


[Confidence Interval (CI)]
   95% CI (95% Confidence Interval)
         xxxxx --- xxxxx
          (Lower Limit --- Upper Limit)
         t( (n-1), 0.05 ) = xxx (t-value)
   99% CI (99% Confidence Interval)
         xxxxx --- xxxxx
          (Lower Limit --- Upper Limit)
         t( (n-1), 0.01 ) = xxx (t-value)


[Skewness and Kurtosis]
   + Skewness(Asymmetry)
   Skewness (g1) = xxxxx
      (The same as Excel SKEW.P function)
      if (g1= 0) --->
            Symmetric(Normal) distribution
      if (g1< 0 or g1> 0) --->
            Asymmetric distribution
   Skewness (G1) = xxxxx
      (The same as Excel SKEW function)
      if (G1= 0) --->
            Symmetric(Normal) distribution
      if (G1< 0 or G1> 0) --->
            Asymmetric distribution


   + Kurtosis
   Kurtosis (α4 (= g2 + 3) ) = xxxxx
      if (α4 = 3)
Normal distribution
   Kurtosis (g2) = xxxxx
      if (g2 = 0)
Normal distribution
   Kurtosis (G2) = xxxxx
      (The same as EXCEL: KURT function)
      if (G2 = 0)
Normal distribution


   Sum = xxx (Sum of data)
   SS = xxx (Sum of Squares)


   V(n) = xxx (Variance, SS / n)
   V(n-1) = xxx (Unbiased Variance, SS / (n-1) )


   SD(n) = xxx (Standard Deviation, √(SS / n) )
      (EXCEL: STDEVP function)
   SD(n-1)= xxx (Standard Dev., √(SS / (n-1) ) )
      (EXCEL: STDEV function)


   %CV = xxx (Coefficient of Variation)
      ( SD(n) / Arithmetic mean *100 )


[Various Means]
   Arithmetic mean = xxxxx
   Geometric mean = xxxxx
   Harmonic mean = xxxxx